Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The View From Above

I am lucky to have a large space with low bookshelves and a bank of computers large enough to service an entire classroom of students. One of the features of my library that I am still getting use to is its location. The library is at the center of our two story middle school building. My space is surrounded by windows and open two stories to the ceiling above. As a result all students and teachers can look in and down at the library. As you can see from this picture the view is great from above, but it means the library activities are viewed at all times. This is great when the library is active, and when everything is in place. When things are slow, however, some of my peers start to wonder if I am working as hard as they are! : ) This motivates me to do more programming and to make sure that I continuously communicate what the library is planning for the future. If any of you have a similar setting I suggest that you ask your teaching peers to bring classroom projects to your LMC for display. By showcasing student work from other classes you can increase the number of students, teachers, parents and community members that visit, and ultimately use your LMC services.


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